Brighter Birkenhead

C/O St Catherines Surgery, 1st and 2nd Floor, St Catherines Health Centre, Church Road, Birkenhead CH42 0LQ

Contraceptive Coil & Implant Service

What is the best contraception choice for you?

Visit the below website to learn what contraception options are available and information about each method.

For all your contraception and sexual health needs including STI testing please visit the Sexual Health Wirral or Brook (for young people aged 19 and under) websites for more information on clinics and services. Please click on link below.

The Surgery also provides a free and confidential service for contraception including contraceptive pill and depot injection.

We also provide the fitting and removal of contraceptive implants and coils for all ages. These are more than 99% effective and can last several years. The hormonal coil (Mirena) can be used to treat heavy periods and can form part of HRT treatment.

If you would like to access this service please ask your doctor or nurse or, for anyone registered with a Brighter Birkenhead GP, you can also refer yourself to the LARC service by filling out this LARC service self referral form

If you have any questions please email 

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